Quantitative real-time PCR was performed with the BioRad CFX-96 s

Quantitative real-time PCR was performed with the BioRad CFX-96 system using the EvaGreen reagent (BioRad), gene specific primers (Table 2), and the following protocol: Initial denaturation and enzyme activation, 95°C 30 s; 40 cycles of 95°C for 2 s and 56-60°C for 8 s; plate read; and finally, melt curve analysis starting at 65°C and ending at 95°C. Relative expression for tpsA-C and tppA-C were calculated from and compared to a serially-diluted cDNA pool and normalized to the actin-encoding gene (ANI_1_106134), which

has been successfully used in previous experiments

[28, 31] and is expressed at high Selleck Ganetespib levels throughout germination according to published microarray data [29]. For each growth stage, the expressions were calculated from four biological replicates, each with three technical replicates. To verify the expression, or lack thereof, in the reconstituted and null mutant of tppB, the expression in mutants was normalized against N402 as previously described [28] using the efficiency Selleck SHP099 calibrated mathematical method for the relative expression ratio in real-time PCR [32]. Gene deletions and complementation Deletion constructs for the genes, tpsA, tpsB, tppA, tppB and tppC were made using fusion PCR to replace the coding sequence with the A. oryzae pyrG gene, and used to transform the uridine auxotrophic strain MA70.15 [33] as previously described [29]. With the same technique, a mutant lacking Lepirudin both tpsB and tppC was created.

A second deletion mutant of tppB, (ΔtppB2) was generated in a different uridine auxotrophic strain, MA169.4 [34]. Both MA70.15 and MA169.4 have deficient kusA that is the A. niger ortholog of kus70, which is required for the non-homologous end-joining pathway [35]. The tpsC deletion strain was constructed by cloning tpsC in the standard pBS-SK vector (Stratagene) using BamHI and XhoI. Next, the vector was digested with HindIII to Fedratinib remove 1648 bp, containing most of the coding sequence. After dephosphorylation of the vector, a HindIII digested PCR product of the A. oryzae pyrG gene was ligated into the vector, thus replacing tpsC. This deletion construct was PCR-amplified and used to transform strain MA169.4. All A. niger transformants were confirmed using PCR and sequencing.

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