05 on days 1–4; see also Figure 6C for cumulative active nosepoke responding across all days of training for a representative rat), indicating rapid acquisition of DA ICSS. By the third and fourth training day, Th::Cre+ rats performed more than 4,000 nosepokes on average at the active port, compared to fewer than 100 at the inactive port ( Figure 6B). Variability in the vigor of responding between subjects ( Figure 6D) could Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor be explained by differences in the strength of virus expression directly beneath the implanted
optical fiber tip (t test, p < 0.05, r2 = 0.55; see Figures S3A–S3C for placement summary and fluorescence quantification). Additionally, Th::Cre− rats made significantly fewer nosepokes at the active port than Th::Cre+ rats on all 4 days (2-tailed Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni correction, p < 0.05 on day 1, p < 0.005 on days 2–4). Notably, responding of Th::Cre− rats at the active port was indistinguishable from responding at the inactive port (two-tailed Wilcoxon signed-rank test with Bonferroni correction; p > 0.05), indicating that active port responses in Th::Cre− rats were not altered by optical stimulation. We then systematically varied the duration of optical stimulation that was provided for each
single active nosepoke response in order to investigate the relationship between the magnitude of dopaminergic neuron activation and the vigor of behavioral responding (“duration-response test”). We chose to vary stimulation duration, having already established that Apoptosis Compound Library altering this parameter results in corresponding changes in evoked DA transients in vitro (Figure 3B). Further, varying this parameter allowed us to confirm
that later spikes in a stimulation train are still propagated faithfully to generate DA release in the behaving rat (in agreement with our in vitro confirmation, Figure 3B). The rate of responding of Th::Cre+ rats at the active nosepoke port depended powerfully on the duration of stimulation received ( CYTH4 Figure 6E, Kruskal-Wallis test, p < 0.0001). Response rate increased more than threefold as the duration of the stimulation train increased from 5 ms to 1 s and saturated for durations above 1 s. This saturation could not be explained by a ceiling effect on the number of reinforcers that could be earned, since even for the longest stimulation train durations, rats earned on average less than 50% of the possible available optical stimulation trains ( Figure 6E, inset). We further applied two classical behavioral tests to confirm that rats were responding to obtain response-contingent optical stimulation, rather than showing nonspecific increases in arousal and activity subsequent to DA neuron activation. First, we tested the effect of discontinuing stimulation during the middle of a self-stimulation session.