, 1997). If so, this would comprise a cogent example of glial “coselection.” It could be argued that there is strong selective pressure to keep their functions and cellular properties homogeneous, at least in terms of myelination. The issue of oligodendrocyte molecular and functional diversity remains an active area of debate in the field. Further elucidation of the precise
developmental pathways involved might resolve these issues. For example, several studies have indicated that production of OPCs occurs in several temporal-spatial waves, with the general trend of early production of OPCs in the ventral regions of the brain and spinal cord being Sonic hedgehog regulated and later waves of production being from the more dorsal regions
of spinal cord and brain (Rowitch and Kriegstein, 2010). It is possible that temporally distinct OPCs carry forward GW-572016 datasheet different properties that could be evaluated in terms of migration, myelination potential, and ability to function in repair after injury (Young et al., 2013). As discussed below, an enhanced understanding of precise functions of OPCs and oligodendrocytes during development and disease will equip us to look afresh at the issue of diversity. In the following sections, we look forward to new areas of research in glial cell isothipendyl biology. We propose that moving forward most efficiently will require defining the genetics of conserved mechanisms of glial function and developmental biology in the most experimentally Anti-diabetic Compound Library order accessible systems—worm, fly, and vertebrate systems including zebrafish and mouse. At the same time, we must explore how glial functions have diversified beyond basic functions in more sophisticated mammalian brains. Such an approach should lead to the production of new tools for investigating broad aspects of glial cell development and function and lead
to a better understanding of the roles for glia in a variety of human neurological disorders. Future advances will rely heavily on the generation of new tools to study glial development. Invertebrate model organisms must be more heavily exploited to maximize progress in the field. Such preparations have been workhorses in pushing forward our understanding of the cell biology of the neuron, and their seminal contributions include defining the electrochemical basis of the axon potential, genetic characterization of mechanisms of neuronal cell fate specification, neural stem cell asymmetric cell division, specification of neuronal temporal identity, and axon guidance (this is by no means a complete list). Neuronal development and function is remarkably similar in worms, flies, mice, and humans.