2.3 Statistical Analyses Statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 12.0 statistical software. A p value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant. Continuous data are presented as median and interquartile range in variables that were not normally distributed, while categorical data are presented as number (percentage of patients). Comparisons between groups were made using two-sample t test, one-way ANOVA or the non-parametric equivalent for continuous variables and Chi-square
test selleck chemicals or Fisher’s exact test for categorical data. Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients (r) were used to quantify associations between variables. The effects of beta blockade on LVEF change after 1 year were compared using paired t test or the non-parametric equivalent. To determine important predictors of post-response LVEF decline, we also performed multivariable logistic regression analysis. 3 Results 3.1
Clinical Characteristics This study included 238 patients: 78 Hispanics, 108 AA, and 52 Caucasians. The clinical characteristics of the study cohort stratified by LVEF response are displayed in Table 1. Overall, the median CAL-101 order age was 62 years. As shown, patients with post-response LVEF decline were predominantly Hispanics (44 vs. 29 %, p < 0.01), and more often had intracardiac
defibrillator (ICD) (56 vs. 27 %, p < 0.001) compared with patients with sustained LVEF response. Table 1 Clinical characteristics between patients with post-response LVEF decline and patients with sustained LVEF response All NICM responders (N = 238) Post-response LVEF decline (n = 32) Sustained LVEF response (n = 206) p value Males 126 (53 %) 14 (44 %) 112 (54 %) 0.263 Race 0.247 Caucasians 52 (22 %) 6 (19 %) 46 (22 %) 0.001 Hispanics 78 (33 %) 14 (44 %) 64 (31 %) 0.002 AA 108 (45 %) 12 (38 %) 96 (47 %) 0.842 Age (years) 62 55 62 0.014 Median, IQR (50.71) (43.68) (52.71) Diabetes 106 (45 %) 12 (38 %) 94 (46 %) 0.389 HTN 166 (70 %) 24 (75 %) Cediranib (AZD2171) 142 (69 %) 0.487 NYHA class 0.14 I 32 (13 %) 2 (6 %) 30 (15 %) I–II 22 (9 %) 6 (19 %) 16 (8 %) II 90 (38 %) 10 (31 %) 80 (39 %) II–III 44 (18 %) 2 (6 %) 42 (20 %) >III 50 (21 %) 12 (38 %) 38 (18 %) ICD 74 (31 %) 18 (56 %) 56 (27 %) 0.001 Valvular Ralimetinib disease 54 (23 %) 4 (13 %) 50 (24 %) 0.176 Dyslipidemia 156 (66 %) 20 (63 %) 136 (66 %) 0.697 CKD 48 (20 %) 4 (13 %) 44 (21 %) 0.245 Smoking 110 (46 %) 10 (31 %) 100 (49 %) 0.09 Alcohol 74 (31 %) 10 (31 %) 64 (31 %) 0.983 p value (Chi-square for categorical variables and Mann–Whitney test for continuous variables) for comparison between groups (post-response LVEF decline vs.