8–7 2 μm, sterigmata 6–8 × 1–2 μm, basal clamp connection absent,

8–7.2 μm, sterigmata 6–8 × 1–2 μm, basal clamp connection absent, chiastic nuclear division; basidiospores pale blue-green in deposit, near sky blue microscopically when fresh, loosing color during storage, thin- and thick-walled (to 0.5 μm), smooth, short-ellipsoid, selleck chemicals llc subglobose or rarely ovoid, 4.8–6 × 4–4.8(−5.2) μm, inamyloid, not cyanophilic, red metachromatic endosporium in cresyl blue. Clamp connections almost completely absent, one observed in pileipellis. Pileipellis structure uncertain or variable, of repent or erect slender

hyphae, possibly gelatinized. On ground in dense stand of bamboo. Species included Aeruginospora

is monotypic, consisting of the type, A. singularis Höhn. Various authors have added species to Aeruginospora, but the following excluded species were correctly placed in Camarophyllopsis: A. foetens (W. Phillips) M.M. Moser, A. hiemalis Singer & Clémençon, A. hymenocephala (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) selleck chemicals Singer, A. microspora (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, A. paupertina (A.H. Sm. & Hesler) Singer, and A. schulzeri (Bres.) M.M. Moser. VX-809 clinical trial Aeruginospora furfuracea Horak merits further study but may also belong in Camarophyllopsis. Acetophenone Comments In addition to Horak’s (1968) study of the 1908 type collection, Singer (1951, 1973, unpublished drawings) also annotated the type (Harvard University 00284744). While visiting Leiden, Singer copied Boedjin’s annotation of a collection by Brink in 1931 as well

as Boedjin’s copy of Overeem’s annotations of his 1921 collection, both from the type locality at the Bogor Botanical Garden in Indonesia, and he copied Maas Geesteranus’ drawings of nuclear division in basidia of A. singularis in the type; there is no part of Overeem’s (BO 601A, 601B) or Brink’s (BO 12204) collections at Leiden. Although Horak photographed Overeem’s paintings of his 1931 (601A and B) A. singularis collections (Online Resource 10) while at the herb. Bogoriensis, he was unable to examine them microscopically as the collection was being moved. Lodge examined parts of Overeem and Brink’s collections that had been stored in alcohol, augmented the diagnosis from the type studies above with observations on the pileipellis structure, spore wall thickness, spore reactions (acyanophilic, red metachromatic endosporium in cresyl blue) and illustrated a lamellar cross section and hymenial palisade (Fig. 18).

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