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“Background At low temperatures (T), disorder and electron–electron (e-e) interactions may govern the transport SPTBN5 properties of a two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in which electrons are confined in a layer of the nanoscale, leading to the appearance of new regimes of transport behavior [1]. In the presence of sufficiently strong disorder, a 2DES may behave as an insulator in the sense that its longitudinal resistivity (ρ xx) decreases with increasing T[2]. It is useful to probe the intriguing features of this 2D insulating

state by applying a magnetic field (B) perpendicular to the plane of a 2DES [2–4]. In particular, the direct transition from an insulator (I) to a high filling factor (v ≥ 3) quantum Hall (QH) state continues to attract a great deal of both experimental [5–13] and theoretical [14–16] interest. This is motivated by the relevance of this transition to the zero-field metal-insulator transition [17] and by the selleckchem insight it provides on the evolution of extended states at low magnetic fields. It has already been shown that the nature of the background disorder, in coexistence with e-e interactions, may influence the zero-field metallic behavior [18] and the QH plateau-plateau transitions [19, 20]. However, studies focused on the direct I-QH transitions in a 2DES with different kinds of disorder are still lacking. Previously, we have studied a 2DES containing self-assembled InAs quantum dots [11], providing a predominantly short-range character to the disorder.

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