A1 and B1 were treated with D-PBS, the cortical F-actin network o

A1 and B1 were treated with D-PBS, the cortical F-actin network of these cells were continuous and dense; JNK inhibitor A2 and B2 show the cells in high-sugar-stimulated medium after 30 min; A3 and B3 show the cells in high-sugar-stimulated medium after 1 h; A4 and B4 show the cells in low-sugar-stimulated medium after 30 min; A5 and B5 show the cells in low-sugar-stimulated medium after 1 h. Discussion We successfully extracted hADSCs from human adipose tissue according to the method reported in the literature [14, 15] and characterized the phenotypes of hADSCs through flow cytometry. After that, we used a simple chemical method not involving

OSI-906 insulin to differentiate hADSCs into IPCs in vitro. In order to assess the function of IPCs, we tested the glucose-induced insulin secretion of

IPCs and beta cells in vitro. Our data show that regardless of whether they were stimulated FK228 chemical structure for 30 min or 1 h, the beta cells could release a certain amount of insulin after stimulation with high or low glucose concentrations. However, only when stimulated for 1 h in low glucose concentrations did IPCs secrete a little bit of insulin. The results indicate that IPCs can secrete insulin in response to glucose stimulation, similar to, but not as well as beta cells. Even though we only compared beta cells and one kind of IPC which was derived from one source using one differentiation method, our results made evident the difference in physiological function between these IPCs and beta cells. This evidence led to the question:

‘What were the reasons for the difference between IPCs and beta cells?’ We conjectured that these differences were due to the differences in cellular structure. To confirm our hypothesis, we first used AFM to detect cell surface ultrastructure of beta cells and IPCs. AFM images indicated the changes in morphological properties of IPCs and beta cells see more stimulated by glucose. The morphologies of IPCs and beta cells were similar to each other, as observed via AFM. They all were polygonal and contained visibly porous features in the cytoplasm. AFM is a common method used to observe cell morphology. However, few studies have reported that these porous structures existed naturally on the cell surface [16–20]. Pores on the cell surface generally appeared after treatment with some drugs [21, 22]. Nevertheless, the pores observed after drug treatment were not the same as the porous structures we detected. The porous structures in the IPCs and beta cells were organized and well distributed around the nuclei. The pores that appear after drug treatment are dispersed and isolated. Kim et al. deemed that these isolated holes on the cell surface after drug treatment might be one form of cell apoptosis [22]. Additionally, we speculated that these uniform holes arranged in the cytoplasmic membrane might be dependent onto the type of cells.

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