At 30 and 60 min a multilayer biofilm remained after draining the tubing while at later time points (90 and 120 min) most of the cells were displaced by draining.
No cells could be found on the lower (previously BIX 1294 colonized) surface after draining tubing containing a 3 h biofilm (data not shown). Time lapse photography of the top of the biofilm during the transition indicated that macroscopic detachment was first visible at the edges of the biofilm as wavy flaps (Figure 3c). At later times wrinkles appeared in the biofilm that, when viewed from the side, were evidently locations at which portions of the biofilm had been entirely displaced from the surface. Figure 3 Time course of loss of adhesion and accompanying microscopic and macroscopic structural changes. a) Cryosections of biofilms at different time points. Sections acquired at 30 and 60 min appear to conform to the curved surface of the tubing. Arrows indicate substratum side. The structure in which hyphae at the edges extend into the surrounding medium becomes apparent between 60 and 90 min. LDN-193189 (Scale bars are all 50 μm). b) SEM images of the colonized (lower) surface of the tubing after the tubing was drained. Between 60 and
90 min there is a sharp transition in which most of the cells have lost their surface adhesion. (Scale bars are all 20 μm). c) Time course of gross structural changes during loss of adhesion. The biofilm is visible at 40 min. At 90 min the flanking sections detach as flaps (arrow); these flaps are more visible at later time points. At 135 min wrinkles begin to form (arrow) and become
more prominent at later time points (185 min). The structural reorganization observed at the 90 and 120 min time points becomes more pronounced as the biofilm develops. Sections of 3 h biofilms were obtained transverse to the direction of flow (in the plane of the tubing cross-section) (Figure 4). The structure of the sections prepared using the Spurr’s embedding method (Figure 4a) appeared quite similar to those prepared using cryosectioning, a histological technique that was designed to preserve the hydrated structure (Figure 4b). Both Oxaprozin sectioning techniques indicated a structure in which hyphae extended from both sides of the detached biofilm into the surrounding medium. Despite their relative immaturity, the 3 h biofilms showed evidence of production of extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) as indicated by staining with a monoclonal antibody against (1,3) β glucan (Figure 4c and 4d). A previous study indicated that (1,3) β glucan is a primary component of C. albicans EPS [34] Figure 4 Detached biofilm structure (3 h biofilms). All images were acquired using epi-fluorescence microscopy.