Besides the common morphological characters possessed by Dothideomycetes (bitunicate and fissitunicate asci as well as the perithecioid-like ascostromata), most pleosporalean fungi also have pseudoparaphyses among their well-arranged
asci (Zhang et al. 2009a). Currently, classification of Pleosporales at the family level focuses mostly on morphological characters of ascomata (such as size, shape of ostiole or papilla), presence or absence of periphyses, characters of centrum (such as asci, pseudoparaphyses and ascospores) as well as on lifestyle or habitat (Barr 1990a; Shearer LY333531 purchase et al. 2009; Suetrong et al. 2009; Tanaka et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2009a), whilst relying extensively on DNA sequence comparisons. Ascomata Most species of Pleosporales have uniloculate ascomata. The presence (or absence)
and forms of papilla and ostiole are the pitoval character of ascomata, which serve as important characteristics in generic or higher rank classification (Clements and Shear 1931). The vertically flattened papilla Selleck Ipatasertib has recently been shown as an effective criterion for familial level classification, e.g. in the Amniculicolaceae and the Lophiostomataceae (Zhang et al. 2009a). Papillae and ostioles are present in most species of Pleosporales, except in the Diademaceae and Sporormiaceae. Members of Diademaceae have apothecial ascomata, and some genera of Sporormiaceae have cleistothecioid ascomata. Another coprophilous pleosporalean family, Delitschiaceae, can be distinguished from Sporormiaceae by the presence of periphysate ostioles. Pseudoparaphyses Presence of
pseudoparaphyses is a characteristic of Pleosporales (Kirk et al. 2008; Liew et al. 2000). Although pseudoparaphyses may be deliquescing in some families when the ascomata mature (e.g. in Didymellaceae), they are persistent in most of other Tryptophan synthase pleosporalean members. According to the thickness, with or without branching and density of septa, pseudoparaphyses were roughly divided into two types: trabeculate and cellular, and their taxonomic significance need to be re-evaluated (Liew et al. 2000). Asci The asci of Pleosporales are bitunicate, usually fissitunicate, mostly cylindrical, clavate or cylindro-clavate, and rarely somewhat obclavate or sphaerical (e.g. Macroventuria anomochaeta Aa and Westerdykella dispersa). There are ocular chambers in some genera (e.g. Amniculicola and Asteromassaria), or sometimes with a large apical ring (J-) (e.g. Massaria). Ascospores Ascospores of Pleosporales can be hyaline or colored to varying degrees. They may be amerosporous (e.g. species of Semidelitschia), phragmosporous (e.g. Phaeosphaeria and Massariosphaeria), dictyosporous (e.g. most species of Pleospora and Bimuria), or scolecosporous (e.g. type species of Cochliobolus, Entodesmium or Lophionema).