Conclusion: These data suggest that the hypoglycemia that develop

Conclusion: These data suggest that the hypoglycemia that develops

after partial hepatectomy induces systemic lipolysis followed by accumulation of fat derived from peripheral stores in the early regenerating liver, and that these events may be essential for initiation of normal liver regeneration. (HEPATOLOGY 2010) The liver has remarkable regenerative potential, which permits recovery from functional deficits induced following hepatic injury. The rodent partial hepatectomy model has been the most extensively used experimental system for investigating the mechanisms that control this highly regulated response.1 Analyses using this paradigm have identified many signals that are regulated during and necessary for normal liver regeneration.2–6 Nevertheless, an integrated

understanding of the mechanisms that regulate liver regeneration does not yet exist, and the signals that initiate and terminate hepatic regeneration remain incompletely defined. Liver mass is maintained or recovered after injury in proportion to body mass.3, 6 This observation, taken together PR171 with the central role of the liver as the principal intermediary between dietary nutrient uptake and extrahepatic energy consumption,7 has led us to investigate the regulation and functional role of systemic metabolic changes in response to partial hepatectomy during the hepatic regenerative response. We previously reported that genetic and pharmacological interventions that suppress the transient hepatic steatosis characteristic of the early regenerative response result in impaired liver regeneration.8 We also characterized the hypoglycemic response to partial hepatic resection

and the inhibitory effect of glucose supplementation on liver regeneration.9 Together, these data suggest a model in which the hypoglycemia that follows partial hepatectomy induces systemic lipolysis and accumulation of fat derived from peripheral stores in the early regenerating liver. The studies reported here were undertaken to 上海皓元 further characterize the significance of changes in peripheral adipose metabolism during liver regeneration. BrdU, bromodeoxyuridine; CCl4, carbon tetrachloride; C/EBP, CCAAT/enhancer binding protein; fld, fatty liver dystrophy; MR, magnetic resonance; SOCS3, suppressor of cytokine signaling 3; STAT3, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. Wild-type C57Bl6/J mice were obtained from The Jackson Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME). Lpin1 null (fatty liver dystrophy (fld)/fld, BALB/cByJ-Lpin1fld/J mice; Jackson Laboratory), heterozygous (fld/+), and wild-type (+/+) mice were obtained by maintaining fld/fld × fld/+ and fld/+ × fld/+ mating pairs.

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