Different threshold values should be set Topotecan molecular weight for different data sets depending on the cluster structure and size of data sets. Here, a threshold ε and attrition rate ρ (0 < ρ < 1) are set. The decision to delete clusters in SP-FCM is based solely on cluster cardinality and the thresholdε. If ε is too small, C is reduced more slowly and it may stop prematurely before the optimal cluster number is found. On the other hand, if ε is too large, C may be reduced too drastically. In our method, clusters whose cardinalities Mj < ε are considered as “candidates” for removal. And we can remove up to ρ × C clusters having the lowest cardinality from
the pool of candidates specified by ε. Limiting the number of clusters that can be removed at one time prevents C from being reduced too drastically when ε is set too high for a given data set. This would automatically estimate the best cluster number while also utilizing a faster, consistent, and repeatable initialization technique. For evaluating the goodness of the
data partition, both cluster compactness and intercluster separation should be taken into account. Hence the XB index is adopted. For each C in the range of [Cmin , Cmax ] a set of cluster validity indexes were calculated, where Cmax is the initial cluster number which is set to be much larger than the expected cluster number. The partition matrix with C clusters with the best aggregate validity index is selected as the final cluster partition.
The SP-FCM algorithm is summarized as in Algorithm 1. Algorithm 1 SP-FCM. Here, if ρ × C is equal to 0, we can let it to be 1. This means that the cluster with the lowest cardinality may be removed. The initial Cmax cluster prototypes can be initialized using exemplars from data points selected by βj = x(N/Cmax )j. After termination, the B and U from C ∈ [Cmin , Cmax ] with the best cluster validity index SXB are selected as the final cluster prototype and partition. 4. Experimental Results In this section, the performance of FCM, RCM, shadowed c-means (SCM) [21], shadowed rough c-means (SRCM) [19], and SP-FCM algorithms is presented on four UCI datasets, Brefeldin_A four yeast gene expression datasets, and real data. For evaluating the convergence effect, the fundamental criterion can be described as follows: the distance between different objects in the same cluster should be as close as possible; the distance between different objects in different cluster should be as far as possible. Here we use DB index and Dunn index to evaluate the clustering effect. For a given data set and C value, the higher the similarity values within the clusters and the intercluster separation, the lower the DB index value. A good clustering procedure should make the value of DB index as low as possible. Reversely, higher values of the Dunn index indicate better clustering in the sense that the clusters are well separated and relatively compact.