Diffusion sensitization gradients were applied in six non-collinear directions with the following x, y, and z physical gradient combinations: [1 0 1], [-1 0 1], [0 1 1], [0 1-1], [1 1 0], [-1 1 0]. Three different diffusion-weightings with diffusion encoding constants of b = 200, 400, and 800 s/mm2 and corresponding echo times of TE = 85, 95.5, and 108.9 ms were used. An image without diffusion weighting (b = 0) was recorded for each TE value to compensate for the different TEs associated with the different
LY3039478 nmr b values. The total scan time of our DW-MRI method was ~ 10 min. ADC maps were produced with in-house-made software developed in Matlab. Briefly, the directional diffusion images were averaged on a voxel-by-voxel basis to non-directional diffusion images. ADC values were
calculated for each voxel by fitting signal intensities (S) to the mono-exponential model equation: by using a linear least square fit algorithm. The signal decay of a large number of voxels was investigated to verify that the mono-exponential model gave good fits to the data. The fits generally had a correlation coefficient of 0.98 – 0.99. learn more DCE-MRI was carried out as described earlier [24]. Briefly, Gd-DTPA (Schering, Berlin, Germany), diluted to a final concentration of 0.06 M, was administered in the tail vein of mice in a bolus dose of 5.0 ml/kg during a period of 5 s. Two calibration tubes, one with 0.5 mM Gd-DTPA in 0.9% saline and the other with 0.9% saline only, were Selleck RG7112 placed adjacent to the mice in the coil. The tumors and the calibration tubes were imaged at a spatial resolution of 0.23 × 0.23 × 2.0 mm3 by using an image matrix of 256 × 128, a field of view of 6 × 3 cm2, and one excitation. Two types of spoiled gradient recalled images were recorded: proton density images (TR = 900 ms, TE = 3.2 ms, and αPD = 20) and T 1 -weighted images Fossariinae (TR = 200 ms, TE = 3.2 ms, and αT1 = 80). The durations of the imaging sequences were 64 and 14 s, respectively. Two proton density
images and three T 1 -weighted images were acquired before Gd-DTPA was administered. After the administration of Gd-DTPA, T 1 -weighted images were recorded every 14 s for 15 min. Gd-DTPA concentrations were calculated from signal intensities by using the method of Hittmair et al. [25]. The DCE-MRI series were analyzed on a voxel-by-voxel basis by using the arterial input function of Benjaminsen et al. [24] and the Tofts pharmacokinetic model [16] to produce parametric images of K trans. IFP measurements IFP was measured by using a Millar SPC 320 catheter equipped with a 2F Micro-Tip transducer with diameter 0.66 mm (Millar Instruments, Houston, TX) [26]. The catheter was connected to a computer via a Millar TC-510 control unit and a model 13-66150-50 preamplifier (Gould Instruments, Cleveland, OH). IFP was measured in the center of the tumors by placing the catheter 5-10 mm from the tumor surface.