e. 23.9, 23.0 and 19.3 g m− 2 day− 1. The resulting average rate of deposition per unit bottom surface area was 22.1 g m− 2 day− 1. This value is somewhat different from those calculated for other Baltic Sea regions where such investigations have been conducted. For comparison, the rates of vertical sediment influx in the Puck Lagoon – the shallowest, north-western corner of Puck Bay, situated near the town
of Puck – measured using sediment traps were 19.7, 46.9 and 21.3 g m− 2 day− 1. The highest rate related to the relatively deep Jama Rzucewska (Rzucewska Hollow), while the other two refer to shallow water regions of the Lagoon (Szymczak 2006). Investigations in the Pomeranian Bay showed in turn that vertical sediment influxes to the seabed were between 75 and 87 g m− 2 day− 1 (Jähmlich et al. 2002). Comparison of these GSK126 quantities with those from Table 2 shows that sediment accumulation in the Outer Puck Bay takes place under relatively calm conditions. The granulometric tests of the sediment deposited in the traps indicate that it can be classified as sandy mud and sand-clayey mud (Figure 3). This type of sediment selleck chemical is usually found in this part of the Puck Bay at depths of about 20 m (Jegliński et al. 2009). The grain size of the dominant mud fraction is 0.063–0.032 mm, while that of the prevailing sand fraction is 0.125–0.063 mm (Table 3). The results
of granulometric analysis indicate that the surface sediments belong to the clayey mud class (Figure 3). This type of sediment occurs in Puck Bay, locally forming a transition zone between the sand-mud-clay and muddy clay sediment types (Uścinowicz & Zachowicz 1994). Apart from the depths, slope and shoreline configuration that contribute to a large extent to local wave Fluorouracil supplier and current regimes, a factor exerting a substantial influence on the distribution of sediments in Puck Bay is the
Hel Peninsula (Uścinowicz & Zachowicz 1994). Sandy fractions are periodically transported into the deeper parts of Puck Bay when waves propagate from the west. The transported sediments probably originate from shallow areas adjacent to the Hel Peninsula (Passchier et al. 1997). The proportion of organic matter in the total volume of sediment deposited in the sediment traps varied slightly, between 10 and 11% (Table 4). These proportions are similar for all periods and are almost twice as high as those reported previously for Puck Bay sediments (Uścinowicz & Zachowicz 1993). This discrepancy can be explained by mineralisation processes: the amount of organic matter actually supplied to the seabed is greater than that recorded in the deposited sediments, because mineralisation gradually reduces the proportion of organic matter there. An alternative explanation is that the traps are ‘better’ at collecting material rich in organic matter, e.g. low density particles.