However, we cannot discount the possibility Lastly,

However, we cannot discount the possibility. Lastly, CX-6258 research buy we feel that our study would have benefited from examining the erythrocytes

for N3 concentration. The strength of our pilot study is that it confirms our hypothesis that foods fortified with MicroN3 can serve as an effective vehicle for the delivery of N3 fatty acids in young, healthy, active participants. Furthermore, the use of such a technology should enable both health care practitioners and consumers alike to make N3 ingestion a part of their normal lifestyle without significantly altering preferred food choices or incorporating a dietary regimen requiring the ingestion of supplement capsules. Our study also demonstrated that a large volume of N3 is easily administered with the alteration of just one daily meal; in our case, a breakfast meal. Therefore, it is not unreasonable EPZ015938 cost to postulate that minor alterations in other daily meals or the augmentation of a capsular supplement routine are well within the grasp of most individuals. Conclusion We conclude that this new food technology shows promise for the development of functional foods capable of improving health care outcomes related to N3 ingestion. Acknowledgements We are grateful to Ocean Nutrition for assisting us in obtaining the whole food products used in the performance

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