In our study the percentages of CK19+ cells in the peripheral blood samples of patients were increased as the illness grew worse.
This result was similar with that of Ivy Wong and his group that positive expression level of CK19 correlates strongly with disease stage in colorectal cancer [24]. Moreover, most patients positive for CK19 had a tumor size of more than 2 cm. It was also mentioned by Weihrauch that CK19 detection rate increased with tumor size [25]. However, Xenidis N and his colleagues found the presence of CK19 positive cells had nothing to do with clinicopathological prognostic factors [26]. After a follow-up period of three month-chemotherapy, the number of occult tumor cells in most metastatic patients was decreased rapidly, convincing
the effect of adjuvant chemotherapy. In another hand, this can also be considered that most CTCs are apoptotic [27] so they vanished automatically. However, 2 patients with no metastasis before operation had CK19 positive cells after chemotherapy. It may be explained by that chemotherapy may evoke the exudation of proinflammatory cytokines which can regulate gene expression [28]. The tumor cells of one patient vanished after durative chemotherapy, but for the other patient they increased during this treatment. This phenomenon indicates that some tumor cells are sensitive to chemotherapy but others are resistant to it. In conclusion, we have established a simple method for the test of CTCs in peripheral blood. Despite its sensitivity LY3023414 order seems not as high as very PCR, the specification and quantification accuracy is encouraging. Our technique can also be applied for bone marrow metastasis investigation. Many groups have reported the Torin 1 in vivo relationship of CK19+ cells with reduced overall survival and risk of distant relapse. The detection of CTCs by flow cytometry in breast cancer may monitor disease
progression and be helpful in the selection of patients who have the risk of relapse after adjuvant treatment. Conclusion The presence of CTCs associates with clinicopathological factors such as tumor size and disease stage. The detection of CK19 in peripheral blood by flow cytometry is a specific and feasible method to monitor CTCs which relate to relapse and survival. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Ministry of Science & Technology of China (863 Hi-Tech Project #2006AA02A245). We would like to thank the Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medial University for providing us clinical samples. References 1. Howe HL, Wingo PA, Thun MJ, Ries LA, Rosenberg HM, Feigal EG, Edwards BK: Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer (1973 through 1998), featuring cancers with recent increasing trends. J Natl Cancer Inst 2001, 93: 824–842.CrossRefPubMed 2. Wiedswang G, Borgen E, Schirmer C, Karesen R, Kvalheim G, Nesland JM, Naume B: Comparison of the clinical significance of occult tumor cells in blood and bone marrow in breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2006, 118: 2013–2019.CrossRefPubMed 3.