Moreover, we systematically investigated the I-V characteristics

Moreover, we systematically investigated the I-V characteristics and

unusual MR behavior of the Ag2Te nanowires with monoclinic structure. It was found that the I-V of Ag2Te nanowires is more sensitive at low magnetic field, which reveals that the Ag2Te nanowires are suitable for low magnetic field sensor. In addition, the excellent single crystal quality with monoclinic check details structure raises the possibility for observing the unusual MR behavior in the as-prepared nanowires. Significantly, comparing to the bulk and thin film materials, we found that there is generally a larger change in R(T) as the sample size is reduced. This raises the possibility that the observed unusual MR behavior can be understood from its topological nature and may largely come from the surface or interface contributions. Acknowledgement This work is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation buy AZD5582 of China (grant no. 20971036) and Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, no. PCS IRT1126, and the construct program of the key discipline in Hunan province (no.2011-76). Electronic supplementary material Additional file 1: Figure A1: XRD spectra of the Ag2Te products under various growth

times (3, 6, and 12 h reaction time) The XRD patterns reveal that these Ag2Te nanostructures have a monoclinic structure. (DOC 116 KB) Additional PI3K Inhibitor Library supplier file 2: Figure A2: (a) XPS survey spectrum of the Ag2Te nanowires, and HRXPS in the (b) Ag 3d and BCKDHB (c) Te 3d regions. The molar ratio of silver to tellurium according to the quantification of peaks is 2.08:1.00, close to the stoichiometry of Ag2Te. (DOC 200 KB) Additional file 3: Figure A3.: TG-DTA curves of the Ag2Te nanowires. From the DTA curve, it can be seen that the phase transition during the heating procedure occurred at 152°C, which confirms structural phase transition of Ag2Te. (DOC 54 KB) Additional file 4: Figure A4:

Raman scattering spectrum of the as-prepared Ag2Te nanowires under different times of exposure. An interesting Raman scattering enhancement phenomenon has also been observed during the observation of Raman spectra. (DOC 143 KB) References 1. Cui Y, Lieber C: Functional nanoscale electronic devices assembled using silicon nanowire building blocks. Science 2001, 291:851–853.CrossRef 2. Wang X, Zhuang J, Peng Q, Li Y: A general strategy for nanocrystal synthesis. Nature 2005, 437:121–124.CrossRef 3. Han J, Huang Y, Wu X, Wu C, Wei W, Peng B, Huang W, Goodenough J: Tunable synthesis of bismuth ferrites with various morphologies. Adv Mater 2006, 18:2145–2148.CrossRef 4. Yuan H, Wang Y, Zhou S, Liu L, Chen X, Lou S, Yuan R, Hao Y, Li N: Low-temperature preparation of superparamagnetic CoFe 2 O 4 microspheres with high saturation magnetization. Nanoscale Res Lett 2010, 5:1817–1821.CrossRef 5.

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