Other GABAergic 3α,5α- and 3α,5β-reduced neuroactive steroids, de

Other GABAergic 3α,5α- and 3α,5β-reduced neuroactive steroids, derived from DOC, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and testosterone, are known GABAergic modulators100-102 that may be elevated by HPA axis activation in humans. Unfortunately,

simple inexpensive analytic methods to measure these steroids are not available. The ability of finasteride to block the subjective effects of ethanol in humans may be due to its ability to prevent the formation of any or all of these neuroactive steroids. Indeed, the combined effects of all steroids regulated by acute or chronic ethanol exposure may contribute to its actions in all species. Effects of ethanol on neuroactive steroid precursors in nonhuman primates and humans We have Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical recently shown that acute ethanol challenges in cynomolgus monkeys do not change plasma pregnenolone and DOC levels. Two doses of ethanol, 1.0 and 1.5 g/kg, were tested via intragastric administration, and neither was able to increase Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical neuroactive steroid precursors or circulating Cortisol levels despite an average blood ethanol

level of 147 mg/dL.103,104 In contrast, acute ethanol administration increases pregnenolone, progesterone, DOC, and their neuroactive metabolites in rat brain and plasma,4,31,79,105 and this increase is also prevented by adrenalectomy/orchiectomy, consistent with ethanol activation of the HPA axis.31,105 These results suggest that higher doses of ethanol might be necessary Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to stimulate the HPA axis and thus increase pregnenolone and DOC levels in nonhuman primates. Indeed, Williams and collaborators106 have shown that intravenous administration Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of ethanol up to 1.9 g/kg failed

to increase plasma ACTH levels in rhesus monkeys. Other studies using 2.0 g/kg ethanol have reported increased Cortisol levels in monkeys under conditions where monkeys were restrained on a flat surface while receiving ethanol, which may contribute Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical to HPA axis activation.107 The possibility that pregnenolone, DOC, and their neuroactive metabolites might be differentially regulated in nonhuman primates Ibrutinib chemical structure compared with rodents cannot be ruled out; future studies will be necessary to further address this question. The effects of ethanol on neuroactive steroid precursors in humans CYTH4 are inconsistent to date. Laboratory administration of moderate doses of ethanol (0.7 to 0.8 g/kg) has recently been reported to increase pregnenolone and DHEA levels and to decrease progesterone levels in healthy human subjects.27 In contrast, Holdstock et al26 reported that ethanol administration to healthy volunteers increased progesterone levels in women during the luteal phase, but had no effect during the follicular phase or in men. Low alcohol consumption in premenopausal women was associated with increased estradiol, androstenedione, and testosterone levels throughout the menstrual cycle, while progesterone levels were increased only in the luteal phase.

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