plates belong to the A-shaped category Generally, A-shaped sa

plates belong to the A-shaped category. Generally, A-shaped s.a. plates find more were more common in groups 1 and 2 and door-latch-shaped

s.a. plates in groups 5 and 6, though each shape was found in every group (Table 3). For example, while most strains of group 1 had >70% A-shaped s.a. plates, 80% of the s.a. plates in strains AOKAL0909 and ASBH01were door-latch shaped. Similarly, group 6 isolates primarily exhibited door-latch s.a. plates whereas >70% of cells in strains AONOR4 and IMPLBA033 had A- shaped s.a. plates. Significant differences in the frequencies of diagnostic s.a. shapes were only detected between groups 2 and 5, with group 2 having significantly more (P = 0.016) A-shaped s.a. plates. Many of the A-shaped s.a. plates found in selleck inhibitor strains of group 1 were rounded (Fig. 7, B and C). The width to height (W/H) ratios of the s.a. plate varied within and among strains (Fig. 8; Table 3). However, despite the large ranges within groups, the W/H ratios in groups 1 and 2 were on average significantly lower than those observed in groups 5 and 6 (Fig. 8; P < 0.05). Though significantly different, the group 6 s.a. W/H ratios appeared intermediate between groups 1 and 2 and group 5 (Fig. 8). Width and height measurements of the 6″ plate revealed variable W/H ratios within and among

strains (Table 3). Extremes were found in group 1, where strain AOKAL0909 consistently had large W/H ratios and strain ASBH01 – exhibited uniformly low W/H ratios. Overall, the 6″ plate W/H ratios were generally lower in groups 1 and 2 compared to groups 5 and 6 (Fig. 9; P < 0.001). Of all strains analyzed for PSP toxins and spirolides, only AOPC1 from Saanich Inlet, Canada, did not contain measurable amounts DAPT of PSTs or spirolides. While all strains of group 1 contained PSP toxins, IMPLBA033 was the only PST producer of groups 2, 5, and 6 (Table 4). The Baltic strains produced only GTX2/3 and STX, whereas additional analogs C1/C2 and B1 were detected in the estuarine strains from the U.S. East coast. The Chinese Isolate contained NEO in addition to STX. High amounts of GTX2/3 and STX were found in the Peruvian isolate. Spirolides were measured in isolates from

all analyzed groups (Fig. 10). In group 1, only the U.S. East coast strains contained spirolides. These, as well as all group 2 isolates produced predominantly (>99%) 13dmC spirolide. The group 2 isolates also produced low amounts of 13,19ddmC (UK isolates) and spirolide A (UK and Spanish strains). Group 5 strains produced a mixture of different spirolides, primarily spirolides A (Gulf of Maine strains) and C (AOIS4 from Iceland). In group 6, the North Sea strains contained considerable amounts of spirolides, mainly 20mG and G. The main exception was AONOR4 which produced mostly 13,19ddmC and CCAP1119/47 which had significant amounts of spirolide A in addition to G. All group 6 strains contained small proportions of other spirolide forms.

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