Stimulation with LPS and sevoflurane exposure. DMEM/10% FBS of confluent AEC monolayers was replaced by DMEM/1% FBS
at least 14 h before starting the experiment. AEC were stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Escherichia coli, serotype 055:B5 (Sigma-Aldrich), in a concentration of 20 µg/ml in DMEM/1% FBS (control group with PBS), according to previous studies [34,35], and placed in two humidified, preheated (37°C) air-tight chambers (oxid anaerobic jar; Oxoid AG, Basel, Switzerland). AEC were exposed to 1 minimal alveolar concentration (MAC) = 2·2 vol% sevoflurane (Sevorane®; Abbott AG, Baar, Switzerland) for 8 h, representing a clinically relevant concentration of the volatile anaesthetic as used in previously Cell Cycle inhibitor performed experiments [34]. A mixture of 5% CO2 and 95% air was directed through a Sevotec 5 Vaporizer (Abbott AG), placed at the entrance click here of the chamber (for control only CO2/air mixture).
Within 5 min, sevoflurane reached the steady state concentration of 2·2 vol% (monitored by Ohmedia 5330 Agent Monitor; Abbott AG). The chambers were sealed for 8 h and incubated at 37°C. At the end of the experiment sevoflurane concentration was verified again to confirm the value of 2·2 vol%. 22Na influx studies. Measurement of 22Na flux through amiloride-sensitive Na+ channels was performed as described previously [36]. Culture medium was removed, and cells on six-well plates were rinsed twice and preincubated at 37°C for 20 min in a buffered sodium-free solution containing (in Resveratrol mM): 137 N-methylglucamine, 5·4 KCl, 1·2 MgSO4, 2·8 CaCl2 and 15 HEPES (pH 7·4). This solution was replaced by uptake solution composed of (in mM): 14 NaCl, 35 KCl, 96 N-methylglucamine and 20 HEPES (pH 7·4) containing 0·5 µCi/ml of 22NaCl (37 MBq/mg Na) in the absence or presence of 100 µM amiloride. Amiloride blocks sodium uptake via ENaC and was used as positive control for blocking sodium absorption.
After an incubation time of 5 min, cells were washed twice with 1 ml/well of an ice-cold solution containing (in mM): 120 N-methylglucamine and 20 HEPES (pH 7·4). Cells were solubilized in 0·3 ml/well trypsin for 3 min. Tracer activities were determined by liquid scintillation counting (Tri-carb 2900TR, liquid scintillation scanner; Packard, Chicago, IL, USA). 86Rubidium influx studies. The measurement of ouabain-sensitive rubidium (86Rb) influx was performed as described previously [37,38]. Assays were performed in a buffered solution A of the following composition (in mM): 120 NaCl, 5 RbCl, 1 MgSO4, 0·15 Na2HPO4, 0·2 NaH2PO4, 4 NaHCO3, 1 CaCl2, 5 glucose, 2 lactate, 4 essential and non-essential amino acids, 20 HEPES and 0·1% bovine serum albumin (BSA). The osmotic pressure of solution A was adjusted by mannitol to 350 mosM, pH 7·4.