The ability to determine the affinities and off-rates of peptides binding to MHC class I molecules will help to elucidate the time frame for which an individual epitope is available BVD-523 nmr for T-cell priming. Previous studies have shown a correlation between high-affinity peptides and immunogenicity,31 while other studies failed to identify such a link.32 HLA-A alleles showed a wide range of both peptide affinity and off-rate; generally the peptide affinity was lower and the off-rate faster for the HLA-B alleles reported here. This is consistent with a previous study, in which the affinity of peptide epitopes generally tended to be lower for HLA-B alleles than for HLA-A alleles.33 We also observed that the
‘promiscuous peptides’ bound with different affinities and off-rates to MHC class I molecules; this behaviour may determine which MHC class I–peptide complexes are ‘immunodominant’ or ‘subdominant’ in CD8+
T-cell responses. Using tetramer technology, we confirmed the presence of TB10.4 epitope-specific RXDX-106 manufacturer CD8+ T cells for most of the candidate peptides in patients with TB. The fact that some of the identified epitopes do not seem to be recognized by any CD8+ T cells may have several explanations. One explanation could be that certain peptides may not be generated in vivo because of proteasomal processing, or because of differential affinity for the transporter protein (TAP) and trimming by aminopeptidases.34 Other reasons may be that no TCRs are able to bind to the MHC class I–peptide complex, or antigen-specific T cells may not have been expanded by APC contact.35 In addition, we analysed PBMCs from patients with active pulmonary TB. It could very well be that local pulmonary immune Thalidomide responses36 show a different profile or that the focus of the CD8+ T-cell response changes over time after reduction of bacterial load as a result of anti-TB treatment.37 The fact that most TB10.4 antigen-specific T cells were identified using HLA-B tetramers supports the notion that the CD8+ T-cell response to Mtb antigens appears to be mainly HLA-B restricted. This is consistent with previous studies on TB,19,38
but also with those on viral diseases, i.e. infcetions with HIV,39 Epstein–Barr virus (EBV32) and cytomegalovirus (CMV40). The cause of this ‘immunodominance’ is not that HLA-B alleles have a broader peptide-binding repertoire than HLA-A alleles;33 in fact, our current study confirms that HLA-A alleles exhibit a more diverse peptide-binding repertoire. HLA-B immunodominance may be linked to either differences at the MHC expression level on APCs and/or differences in the TCR repertoire that is available to recognize the respective MHC class I–peptide complex. One may speculate that the lower affinity and shorter off-rate between the candidate peptides and HLA-B alleles may prevent the ‘immune exhaustion’ that may occur in MHC class I high-affinity binding epitopes in chronic infections, including TB.