The measles vaccine is given at 9 months (38 weeks to 12 months). Coverage
was determined at the end of follow-up. In Uganda, vitamin A supplementation is part of the Expanded selleck kinase inhibitor Program on Immunization [15], and was also assessed. Vaccination timeliness was analysed with Kaplan–Meier time-to-event analysis in line with Laubereau et al. [16]. Vaccination data and dates of birth were gathered from the children’s health cards. Vaccination information based on maternal recall was also collected, but the data from the health cards are regarded to be of better quality. Thus, the health card information has been used for analysis when available. Most vaccinations were dated in the health cards, but when vaccinations were registered without a date, we assumed Alectinib research buy that the age when the children were given the specific vaccines was similar as for those with dated vaccinations. The confidence intervals were estimated with Greenwood’s pointwise method. To investigate determinants of timely vaccination, we used cluster adjusted Cox regression analysis. As the Cox regression model evaluated timeliness which has an accepted time range, there will be several ties (with the same vaccination time). We used the exact partial-likelihood method for handling ties to improve model robustness. The assumption of proportional
hazards was checked with Schoenfeld residuals, both graphically, with a significance test, and using a piecewise regression method. Tied cases were handled
with the exact partial-likelihood method. Rational interactions were evaluated and were included in the model only if they had significant and meaningful effects. Log linearity was checked with plotting of Martingale residuals for the complete model vs. a model with one omitted variable. No variables were strongly correlated with each other. We present a univariable as well as a multivariable model, the latter using stepwise selection with removal of covariates when p > 0.1. Socioeconomic wealth index was constructed with the use of multiple correspondence analysis based on ownership of assets as furniture and household characteristics including electricity, a water source, roof material and toilet type. This method is analogous to principal component analysis, and better suited for categorical data L-NAME HCl [17]. The children’s families were grouped into quintiles on the basis of socioeconomic rank. Ethical approval was granted by Makerere University Medical School Research, Ethics Committee and the Uganda National Council for Science and Technology, and Regional Committees for Medical and Health Research Ethics, Western Norway. Signed or thumb-printed informed consent was obtained from each mother prior to study participation. The consent procedure was approved by the ethical committees. A health card was seen for 750 (98%) of the 765 participants.