This etching period was defined as the maximum etching period (t max) for fabrication of the Si/Si3N4 sample. During fabrication process, the HF etching period was strictly controlled between t min and t max. After selective etching of the scratched Si/Si3N4 sample in HF solution, the exposed Si can be selectively etched in KOH solution with the purpose of fabricating a deeper structure (as shown in Figure 1c). With the high etching selectivity of Si(100)/Si3N4 #selleck screening library randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# in KOH solution, the theoretical maximum fabrication depth can reach several microns. Figure 2 Variation of etching depth of Si/Si 3 N 4 sample with etching period in
HF solution. After etching for 30 min, Si was exposed on the scratched region while a residual Si3N4 mask of
15 nm in thickness was still covered on the original region. Effect of scratching load and KOH etching period on nanofabrication As a friction-induced selective etching approach, both the scratching load and KOH etching period show strong effect on the nanofabrication of the Si/Si3N4 sample. To study the role of scratching load in fabrication, a scratch with a length of 15 μm was produced on the Si/Si3N4 surface under progressive load from 0 to 6 mN, as shown see more in Figure 3a. It was found that a slight wear began at about 3 mN. With the increase in normal load F n from 3 to 6 mN, the wear depth gradually increased. After etching in HF solution for 30 min, part of the Si substrate was exposed on the scratched area and a
groove was produced with depth ranging from 17 to 86 nm (the corresponding F n ranging from 3 to 6 mN), as shown in Figure 3b. Finally, the sample was etched in KOH solution for 35 min, and a deeper groove was fabricated with depth varying from 130 to 385 nm (the corresponding Tangeritin F n ranging from 3 to 6 mN), as shown in Figure 3c. The results indicated that the minimum F n to cause selective etching of Si/Si3N4 was about 3 mN, under which the Hertzian contact pressure P c was estimated to be about 18.4 GPa. With the increase in F n from 3 to 6 mN, the corresponding selective etching depth gradually increased. It indicated that the minimum etching period decreased with the increase in the normal load. Figure 3 Load effect on friction-induced selective etching of Si/Si 3 N 4 sample. (a) Scratching with progressive load from 0 to 6 mN. (b) Etching in HF solution for 30 min. (c) Further etching in KOH solution for 35 min. To further understand the load effect on the friction-induced selective etching of the Si/Si3N4 sample, the scratching tests were performed on a Si/Si3N4 sample under different constant loads. As shown in Figure 4a, no surface damage was observed on the scratched area when the normal load was 2.5 mN (P c ≈ 17.5 GPa). Whereas, the depths of the grooves were 1.1, 2.1, and 3.8 nm under scratching loads of 3, 4, and 5 mN, respectively.