This makes for networks with heavy loads; also the nodes’ energy

This makes for networks with heavy loads; also the nodes’ energy is used up quickly. How to set a suitable TTL value is the key problem when sending query packets. Another problem is that basic flooding strategy can’t find the shortest path from the sink node to a target node (least hops from the sink node to the target) without any control strategies. In order to find the shortest path, we should use some control strategies. The aim of this paper is to propose a searching strategy based on the basic flooding mechanism to find the shortest path from sink node to target.In this paper, we thus propose a new search mechanism based on basic flooding, named Level Based Flooding (LBF), which not only reduces searching energy consumption compared to basic flooding, but also can find the shortest path between sink node and target node.
A sensor node’s level stands for the least hops to the sink node. For example, if the level of a sensor node is 5, it means that the sensor node can communicate with sink node in at least five hops. In LBF, when we deploy a network, the sink node broadcasts a level building packet to the whole network first. After this, all nodes in the network are divided into different levels according to the hops to the sink node, and the sink node collects the level information of each node and stores that in its memory. The level of each node is the minimum hops to the sink node. When the sink node wants to search for an emergency node, it broadcasts a search packet and sets the TTL value to the level of the target node.
Sensor nodes receiving a query packet determine whether to rebroadcast the packet according to their neighbors’ information – the percentage of neighbors that have processed the packet. The broadcast Batimastat process combines the advantages of random walk and flooding. If the real-time percentage value is larger than a predefined threshold, the node only transmits the packet to one neighbor that hasn’t processed the packet. When the target node receives the search packet, it sends its emergency data to the sink node via random walk within level hops. Data packets go to the sink node by the shortest way. Through this, search energy consumption is reduced a lot and the target can find the shortest path to the sink node. We assume that the network in our study case is static and there is only one sink node in the network.
The rest of the paper is biological activity organized as follows: Section 2 outlines some related work on searching in networks. Section 3 mainly describes the problem we solve in this paper and gives the network model. In Section 4, we present the principle of level flooding strategy and explain the strategy in detail. In Section 5, we design the algorithm for our LBF strategy. Section 6 provides the experimental results and compares our strategy with the basic flooding strategy. Finally, in Section 7 we conclude the paper.2.?Related Work2.1.

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