We also were interested in using the the intergenic segment to gain insights to ICK regulation that in turn might sug gest functions. E pression of ICK mRNA is confined to the region in normal mouse epithelium where prolifera tion and lineage specifications occur and where B catenin TCF7L2 is most active. Loss of a tumor suppressor causes activation of B catenin TCF4 in colon cancers. We hypothesized that ICK promoter activity may be increased in colon cancer cell lines and in stomach cancer cells because of this correlation. We also studied breast cancer cell lines because B catenin TCF4 is highly active in breast cancers. The FB 9 ICK intergenic segment has bidirectional promoter activity We obtained a clone for a portion of the p12. 3 p11. 2 region of human chromosome 6 from the Sanger Institute.
One hoI restriction fragment contains the intergenic region and the start sites for transcription of both genes. This 4. 5 kilobase fragment and portions thereof were placed into the promoterless pGL3 luciferase plasmid so as to gener ate constructs, shown schematically in. We refer to constructs as ICK 1 to 12 and as FB 9 1 to 5. We used these constructs to study the promoter in five human cancer cell lines as well as in HEK293T. The full intergenic segment was active in both orientations in all si of the lines, suggesting that ICK and FB 9 share a bidirectional promoter. Analyses in the different lines show elements in the common SspIb to PstIb fragment are important for bidirectional activity, and may account for the correlated e pression of FB 9 and ICK in microarray data that motivated this study.
Our analyses show that the intergenic segment is not a constitu tive, bidirectional promoter because the FB 9 activity relative to ICK activity is variable. Promoter activity in HER2 overe pressing breast cancer cells ICK promoter activity was 10 20 fold higher than FB 9 promoter activity in AU565 and SKBR3 cells, using con structs ICK 1 and FB 9 1 which contain the full inter genic segment. Moreover, AU565 and SKBR3 gave similar patterns of relative activity between the different constructs derived from ICK 1 and FB 9 1. This may relate to the fact that AU565 and SKBR3 were obtained from pleural effusions from the same patient. The results obtained with the truncation constructs reveal enhancer elements within the SspIb EcoRVa seg ment and a suppressor element within the unique EcoRV EcoRV fragment.
The internal deletions indicate another enhancer element for ICK lies in EcoRVb PstIb close to the ICK start site. Removal of this segment reduces ICK promoter activity 40% in both AU565 and SKBR3 cells. E tending the internal deletion from Pst1b back to SspIb, or further back to SspIa, had modest and opposite effects. The region from SspIb to PstIb is particularly comple , and appears Cilengitide likely to have several important elements. This conclu sion is borne out by data obtained from the other lines.