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“Background Gold nanoparticles including nanoshells, nanocages, and nanorods have drawn increasing attention in photodynamic therapy (PDT), drug delivery, and diagnostic imaging field in recent years [1–5]. Among them, gold

nanorods Methamphetamine (AuNRs) are of particular interest due to their unique optical properties. With the different aspect ratios and the resulting longitudinal surface plasmon resonance (SPR), AuNRs exhibit an absorption band in the near-infrared (NIR) region [6], which conduces to higher photothermal conversion and also shows significant biomedical application in view of the penetration of NIR light into biological tissues [7, 8]. Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (pNIPAAm) gel, as one of the most widely studied temperature-responsive polymers [9–11], undergoes phase transition in water when the temperature increases or decreases beyond its lower critical learn more solution temperature (LCST; approximately 32°C) [12, 13]. Besides, its LCST can be tuned by the addition of a comonomer during polymerization [14, 15].

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