After drying, we pressed the TiO2 film by suitable pressure and a

After drying, we pressed the TiO2 film by suitable pressure and annealed it at 450°C for 30 min to complete the photoelectrode. The size of the TiO2 film electrodes used was 0.25 cm2 (0.5 cm × 0.5 cm). Finally, we kept the photoelectrode immersed in a mixture containing a 3 × 10-4 M solution of N3 dye and ethyl alcohol at 45°C for 1.5 h in the oven. The electrode was assembled into a sandwich-type open cell using platinum

plate as a counter electrode. Characterization The surface morphology of the samples was observed using FE-SEM. The ultraviolet–visible absorption spectra of the samples were observed using a UV–vis spectrophotometer. The current–voltage characteristics and EIS of the samples were measured using Keithley find more 2400 source meter (Keithley Instruments Inc., Cleveland, OH, USA) and were determined under simulated sunlight with white light intensity, P L = 100 mW/cm2. In the JQEZ5 concentration IPCE measurement, a xenon lamp (Oriel (Newport Corporation,

Jiangsu, China), model 66150, 75 W) was used as the light source, and a chopper and lock-in amplifier were used for phase-sensitive detection. Results and discussion Figure  1a,d shows the TEM images of the gold nanoparticles, which are almost spherical and uniformly dispersed with a size of about 66 nm. Figure  1b,e shows the TEM images of the short gold nanorods. It is revealed that the short gold nanorods have an aspect ratio of 2.5. Figure  1c,f shows the TEM images of the long gold nanorods. It indicates that the long gold nanorods have

an aspect ratio of 4. The ultraviolet–visible absorption spectra of the gold nanoparticles are shown in Figure  2. The standard absorption wavelength is about 540 nm for the spherical gold nanoparticles. The short gold nanorods show the transverse SPR band at 510 nm and the longitudinal SPR band at 670 nm. The long gold nanorods show the transverse SPR band at 510 nm and the longitudinal SPR band at 710 nm. Figure  3 shows the FE-SEM images of the TiO2 films without and with gold nanoparticles added. The films are all smooth, as shown in Figures  3 and 4. Figure  4 shows the cross-section FE-SEM images of the TiO2 films without and with gold nanoparticles added. The thickness of these TiO2 films was about 22 μm. Selleckchem GDC-973 Figure 1 TEM images of gold nanoparticles with different shapes. (a, d) Spherical nanoparticles. (b, e) Short nanorods (aspect ratio (AR) 2.5). (c, f) Long nanorods Nabilone (AR 4). Figure 2 The UV–vis absorption spectra of spherical gold nanoparticles, short nanorods, and long nanorods. Figure 3 FE-SEM images of the photoelectrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells. (a), (b), (c) (d) Top view images. (a) Without gold nanoparticles added. (b) With spherical gold nanoparticles added. (c) With short gold nanorods added. (d) With long gold nanorods added. Figure 4 Cross-section FE-SEM images of the photoelectrodes of dye-sensitized solar cells. (a) Without gold nanoparticles added. (b) With spherical gold nanoparticles added.

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