strictipilosa (young, nearly colourless and smooth) MRT67307 manufacturer or of H. gelatinosa (waxy and with perithecial elevations). Yellow stromata are reminiscent of H. moravica, but the latter differs e.g. by non-projecting perithecia. Older, overmature, rugose stromata that appear waxy or gelatinous may be mistaken for H. tremelloides, which has a somewhat
different colour, smaller ascospores and a white-conidial anamorph. The effuse conidiation of Trichoderma silvae-virgineae is scant, but peculiar in its short gliocladium-like conidiophores. Oblong conidia are also typical for T. longipile, which differs in more consistently oblong conidia often constricted laterally, and good growth at 30°C. Hypocrea splendens W. Phillips & Plowr, Grevillea 13: 79 (1885). Fig. 98 Fig. 98 Teleomorph of Hypocrea splendens (holotype K 137610). a–e. Dry stromata. f. Stroma surface in face view. g. Ascus top showing apical ring. h. Perithecium in section. i. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. j. Subperithecial tissue in section. k. Stroma base
in section. l–n. Asci with ascospores (m, n. in cotton blue/lactic acid). Scale bars: a = 0.4 mm. b, e = 0.5 mm. c, d = 0.8 mm. f, l–n = 10 μm. g = 5 μm. h, k = 25 μm. i, j = 20 μm Anamorph: not known Stromata when dry (2.3–)2.5–5(–6) × (2.0–)2.2–3.7(–4) mm (n = 6), 0.5–1.7(–2.2) mm (n = 10) thick, solitary, rarely aggregated, distinctly pulvinate, broadly attached, edges free; outline circular to oblong; margin sterile, smooth, yellow. Surface smooth, learn more yellow-orange between numerous minute, plane or convex, shiny, orange-reddish to reddish-brownish ostiolar click here dots (40–)45–76(–90) μm (n = 30) diam. Stromata pale brick-red, brown-orange to Baf-A1 purchase reddish brown, 7–8CD4–6, more brightly orange under magnification in the stereo-microscope. Rehydrated stromata lighter orange, unchanged after addition of 3% KOH. Stroma anatomy: Ostioles (62–)70–98(–124) μm long, plane or projecting to 35(–57) μm, (37–)40–60(–70) μm
wide at the apex (n = 20); apical palisade of cylindrical to subclavate, hyaline cells 3–6 μm wide. Perithecia (110–)145–225(–260) × (95–)115–180(–206) μm (n = 20), globose or flask-shaped; peridium (6–)10–18(–26 μm (n = 42) thick at the base and sides, pale yellow. Cortical layer (20–)24–40(–52) μm (n = 30) thick, a dense, subhyaline to pale yellowish t. angularis of thick-walled cells (3.5–)4.5–9.5(–14) × (2.5–)3.5–6.0(–8.5) μm (n = 60) in face view and in vertical section; nearly labyrinthine, containing some hyphae projecting to ca 30 μm from the surface. Subcortical tissue a loose t. intricata of thin-walled hyaline hyphae (2.0–)2.5–5.0(–6.0) μm (n = 30) wide. Subperithecial tissue a t. intricata–epidermoidea of mostly oblong to cylindrical cells (7–)11–44(–52) × (5–)7–12(–15) μm (n = 30) and hyphae of similar width. Basal tissue nearly labyrinthine, a dense, hyaline t. epidermoidea of compressed thin-walled hyphae and indistinct, variable cells (4–)6–18(–27) × (3–)4–9(–11) μm (n = 30). Asci (85–)90–104(–110) × 5.0–6.0(–6.