This observation is consistent with the experimental results of VACNT composite membranes reported previously, where enhancement of 1 to 2 order of magnitude over the Knudsen SYN-117 manufacturer permeance was found [9–12]. Such significant enhancement in gas diffusion
is attributed Acalabrutinib research buy to the smooth VACNT channels in the membranes where backscattering molecular collisions do not occur. The forward momentum of gas flow is unchanged upon gas transport in the CNT channels. The skating-like gas transport along the VACNT channels is much different with the randomly scattered Knudsen diffusion, resulting in very high flow velocity. The specular feature of momentum transfer results in the significant increases of gas diffusivities which are even much higher than those predicted by the kinetic theory [30]. Figure 7 Enhancement factors and the selectivity. (a) Enhancement factors of gases under different temperatures. (b) The selectivity of hydrogen to gases. Interestingly, the enhancement factors of each gas show a similar dependence on temperature with the
permeance. ATM Kinase Inhibitor chemical structure For most gases, the enhancement factor firstly increased as the temperature rose up to 50°C and then decreased with further increasing temperature. The changed enhancement factor with temperature and the temperature-dependent gas permeance both suggested that the gas diffusion in CNT channels does not fully conform to the Knudsen diffusion kinetics, and other diffusion mechanisms of
gas molecules might exist. It Galactosylceramidase is well established that the surface-adsorption-based diffusion in microporous membranes is an activation process, following the Arrhenius-type equation [33, 34]. Therefore, the increased permeance and enhancement factor with the temperature below 50°C indicated that surface diffusion might also play an important role in the total gas diffusion through our CNT/parylene membranes. Since the surface diffusion is thermally activated, its contribution to the total diffusivity was expected to rise with increasing temperature, which could lead to the increase in gas permeance and enhancement factor. However, when the temperature was over 50°C, gas adsorption on the CNT walls was attenuated and thus the contribution of surface diffusion to overall permeance decreased gradually with the temperature increment. Accordingly, the gas permeance and the enhancement factor over Knudsen kinetics decreased with further increasing temperature. Figure 7b shows selectivity of hydrogen relative to other gases (He, Ar, N2, O2, CO2). Based on Knudsen diffusion, the gas selectivity is inversely proportional to the square root of the molecular weight ratio. For different gas pairs, the selectivity values are scattered around the Knudsen selectivity regime.