However, the absence of such an appearance in a muscle biopsy specimen cannot be taken to exclude the diagnosis of an inflammatory myopathy–by chance a small biopsy may miss the characteristic
changes, which may be identified if the biopsy is repeated from another site; this seems to be a particularly common experience in DM. We also have to encompass the concept of autoimmune necrotizing myopathy–muscle shows necrosis and regeneration, but a complete absence of inflammatory cells. Expression of MHC-1 is considered a surrogate marker of inflammation selleck inhibitor and an immune aetiology is supported by a clinical response to steroids and immunosuppression. Perhaps considering these observations, one correspondent said that he had abandoned using the Torin 1 word myositis in favour of the term inflammatory
myopathy. As well as pathological features, the definition of myositis may be taken to include reference to the presence and pattern of muscle weakness, electromyographic changes, and elevation of muscle enzymes. We had little disagreement on the broad classification of the myositides, except for the popular late-night debate amongst myologists of whether there is such a condition as “pure PM”, an issue I will return to later. The oldest, and I would suggest wisest, respondent noted his dislike of rigid definitions in that they “assume we know more than we do”–a theme I will return to later. One respondent said that he would have refused a request to write on the classification of the myositides, seeing it as a forlorn task–I should have spoken to him earlier. We will consider shortly the possible approaches to the classification of the myositides, but first need to consider why classification is needed at all. Quite simply, the purpose of classification is to delineate homogeneous groups within Thiamine-diphosphate kinase a heterogeneous whole. But there may be a number of potential defining characteristics and thus several possible, but very different, classification systems for any particular disease group. The classification system used will depend upon the purpose for which the data is intended. Let us consider
first another, but familiar, disease area–muscular dystrophy. Classification systems might include: • by phenotype (e.g. Duchenne, Becker, limb-girdle, FSH, oculopharyngeal, etc.); For the molecular biologist, the last might be particularly useful–aiding understanding of the fundamental disease mechanism and pointing towards possible therapeutic interventions. But it is of little value to the clinician or patient. An epidemiologist is likely to find the first category helpful, as it gives sufficient detail of subgroups within the whole category of the dystrophies. The clinician undoubtedly finds knowledge of the Mendelian pattern of inheritance useful when discussing counselling issues. The phenotypic pattern is a powerful clinical pointer towards the diagnosis.