control group p 0. 05. In similar way MG132 proteasome inhibitor increase cleavage of caspase 3 in 5. 4 fold, caspase 9 in 1. 7 fold and caspase 8 in 1. 4 fold change and release of cytochrome c in 4. 8 fold compared with untreated control group p 0. 05. It is im portant to stress that when we used PTX MG132 we ob served considerably cleavage of caspase 9 and caspase 3 compared with PTX or MG132 inhibitor bulk alone and with untreated control group, p 0. 05. In the same way, when we use both drugs simultaneity we observed an increase in the release of cytochrome c and cleavage of caspase 8 in comparison with un treated control group p 0. 05. Determination by flow cytometry of phosphorylated p65 protein from NF ��B, Bcl 2 and Bcl XL antiapoptotic proteins The phosphorylated p65 protein was quantified deter mining the Mean Fluorescence Intensity by flow cytome try.
As we expected, in comparison with the Untreated Control Group, Figure 6 shows that U937 human leukemia cells treated with PTX or the MG132 proteasome inhibi tor decrease the phosphorylation of p65, and in the combination of both compounds, this diminution is more pronounced. The antiapoptotic proteins Bcl 2 and Bcl XL play a transcendent role in chemoresistance in tumor cells, therefore, these proteins could be regulated by the NF ��B transcription factor. For this, we studied the effect of PTX and MG132 in these proteins. We can ob serve in Figure 7A that tumor U937 cells treated with PTX, MG132, or PTX MG132 in a similar manner re duce the expression of Bcl 2 protein in comparison with the untreated control group.
In the same way, in Figure 7B, we can see that when U937 cells were treated with the same schedule of treatments. We also observed a reduction in Bcl XL in comparison with the untreated control group, with a tendency to be the most pronounced in the group treated with both drugs. These results together are according with apoptosis, caspases cleavage, and cytochrome c release and ��m loss experi ments and strongly suggest that assayed treatments inhibited the expression of important proteins related with upregulation of the proapoptotic genes BAX with the greatest upregulation, and with FAS and DIABLO genes. In relation to PTX MG132 treated U937 culture cells antiapoptotic genes BCL XL, MCL 1, and Survivin were downregulated as well as the NF ��B re lated genes I��B and p65.
In general, with these treatment schedules the data suggest a balance in favor of proapop totic genes in U937 human leukemia cells treated with PTX Entinostat MG132. Discussion In the present work, we studied the viability of U937 hu man leukemia cells treated with PTX and or MG132 using the spectrophotometric assay of WST 1 as well as apoptosis by flow cytometry. These results are in agree ment between them and with prior experiments clearly showing that PTX and MG132 possess selleck compound an important antitumor activity per se, as has been reported. This increasing in cytotoxicity when the drugs are added simultaneously to tumor cell cultures in