Utility of such assays has also been demonstrated in assessment of pulmonary hazards due to fine and nanoscale materials ( Sayes et al., 2009 and Warheit et al., 2009). The potential dangers of exclusive use of in vitro testing have been documented by Donaldson et al. (2009) and the authors state that cells in culture do not experience the range of pathogenic effects that are likely to be observed in vivo; which are partly related to issues of translocation, toxicokinetics and
coordinated tissue responses. The latter is the most under-researched area in toxicology. In another study, Monteiro-Riviere et al. (2009) have observed that classical dye-based assays such as MTT and neutral red (NR) that determine cell viability produce invalid results with some nanomaterials Nutlin-3a molecular weight due to interaction and/or adsorption of the dye/dye products. Further, carbon nanomaterials interact with assay markers to cause variable results
with classical toxicology assays and may not buy Obeticholic Acid be suitable for assessing nanoparticles cytotoxicity. Thus the authors indicate the lower utility of in vitro assays using human cell lines. The interaction of fluorimetric dyes with dextran coated SPIONS has been reported by Griffiths et al. (2011); such interactions need serious consideration in cytotoxicity assays. In a recent article by Dhawan and Sharma (2010) the methods for both in vitro and in vivo toxicity of nanomaterials Bumetanide have been reviewed. The authors discussed interferences in in vitro assays (due to the unique
physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials), as well as major challenges for in vivo assays such as dosimetry, optimization of dispersion, evaluation of interactions and biodistribution etc. Hence it is essential that multiple assays be employed depending on the type of nanomaterial in addition to imaging techniques such as transmission electron microscopy to validate chemical marker-based viability assays. Presently, in absence of any clear guideline(s) by the regulatory agencies on the testing/evaluation of nanoparticulate materials, in vitro studies (using established cell lines and primary cells derived from target tissues) become extremely relevant and important. In general, all the current experimental techniques of cellular biology and toxicology can be employed for nanotoxicological studies ( Monteiro-Riviere and Tran, 2007). The techniques that can be used to assess toxicity of nanomaterials include (1) in vitro assays for cell viability/proliferation, mechanistic assays [ROS generation, apoptosis, necrosis, DNA damaging potential] (2) microscopic evaluation of intracellular localization [include SEM-EDS, TEM, AFM, Fluorescence spectroscopy, MRI, VEDIC microscopy] (3) gene expression analysis, high-throughput systems (4) in vitro hemolysis and (5) genotoxicity etc. The first step towards understanding how an agent will react in the body often involves cell-culture studies.