The papers span the period from when morphology was the basis for our understanding of most fungi until
the present use of molecular data in classification and determination of species, showing the major changes taking place in mycology. The first paper from Aly et al. looks at 50 years of drug discovery and shows the importance of fungi in an age where these organisms are being used more often in drug discovery and medicine. Then there are important papers on the major groups of fungi and two other groups traditionally selleck compound considered by mycologists, including myxomycetes (S.L. Stephenson), oomycetes (C.A. Lévesque), basidiomycetes (Z.L. Yang) and lichens (H.T. Lumbsch and S.D. Leavitt), which examine developments from morphological studies to the molecular era. Two papers deal with ecological groups. E.B.G. Jones follows the progress in selleckchem marine fungi over the past 50 years, while Ko Ko et al. explore the use of molecular data in identifying endophytes. The remaining papers deal with important pathogenic genera and show the major changes
taking place in cryptic species recognition in these genera. L. Cai looks at the evolution of species concepts and species recognition Mocetinostat criteria in plant pathogenic fungi. Specific genera dealt with include Fusarium (Summerell et al.), Mycosphaerella and Teratosphaeria (Hunter et al.), Pestalotiopsis (Maharachchikumbura et al.), Phomopsis (Udayanga et al.) and the rust Melampsora (Vialle et al.).”
“Erratum to: Fungal Diversity DOI 10.1007/s13225-010-0080-y Farnesyltransferase The original publication contains the following error (7th page, bottom of left column): ‘Dendrographa latebrarum (Egea & Torrente)’ should be ‘Dendrographa latebrarum (Ach.)”
“Introduction Cork is the outer bark of the cork oak tree (Quercus suber). It is the most suitable material for cork stoppers, due to its unique properties, such as elasticity, compressibility and impermeability to gas or liquids (Lopes et al. 2001; Mano 2002). During a survey of the colonizing mycobiota of cork slabs along the industrial manufacture of cork stoppers, numerous Penicillium isolates were
isolated and identified using morphological characters. More than half of the isolates belonged to the Glabra series, and were present in all production stages. However, identification of the different isolates up to species level appeared to be difficult due the high similarities in macro- and micromorphology. Raper and Thom (1949) placed P. glabrum (as P. frequentans), P. spinulosum and P. purpurescens in the P. frequentans series, and later this series was synonymised with the Glabra series by Pitt (1979). The Glabra series was created to accommodate the fast growing Penicillia with monoverticillate conidiophores and contains eight species (P. chermesinum, P. sclerotiorum, P. donkii, P. decumbens, P. thomii, P. glabrum, P. spinulosum and P. purpurescens). Among those species, P. glabrum and P.